Creating a Movement—Not an Organization by Rick Schenker, President of Ratio Christi I didn’t join Ratio Christi to build an organization; I did it to help create a movement. From the moment I saw Ratio Christi’s web site, I realized that God was up to something big—I believed that He was about to start a mass movement that would make “apologetics” a household word. Ratio Christi has a goal of opening apologetics clubs on at least 500 universities over the next five years, but think about what this means to you. Every one of these clubs needs a trained apologist to serve as chapter director. That means there is an opportunity for at least 500 well trained apologists to equip Christians on university campuses to present the historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every club must do at least one apologetics event per year that is open to the entire campus. That means the students will bring in Christian thinkers that can lead a debate, lecture, or discussion and interact with the academy at large. Curriculum and books will be needed. Students will need mentoring. This all means greater interest in apologetics and more searches on web sites for information and answers. Do you see the movement being created? That is why Ratio Christi is building partners with all the major seminaries and apologetics ministries in the country. And, that is why their response to us has been so overwhelmingly positive. They see that we are the first organization to ever open up full-time ministry opportunities to trained apologists in every community in the United States (even around the world). These full-time apologists at universities, we will open up a huge number of opportunities for speakers, trainers, and apologetic resources provided by a wide range of apologetics ministries. And, as each of our university apologist reaches out to local churches to encourage them to use these apologetic resources, the movement will continue to grow. Can you see the momentum building? In politics they would call this a grassroots campaign. Yet, this is not a campaign in which one person wins, but a campaign in which everyone involved wins. Ratio Christi is simply putting “boots on the ground” to build the grassroots team necessary for the apologetics movement to succeed. If it succeeds, then everyone that has a stake in this movement succeeds. Whether you are a blogger, a speaker, a teacher, a pastor, a writer, or a student of apologetics, your success is our priority. Please get involved in this movement. Become a chapter director, or partner with us so that we can work with and promote your ministry. You can continue to do what do and still become a member of this grassroots team. Let’s create ways to work together. Are you a web developer? Are you an events planner? Are you able to help us financially? Whatever you do, if you want this movement to succeed, we need you! I don’t know if the word “apologetics” will ever become a household word. What I do know is that if we succeed in building a grassroots team with everybody involved, we will have created a mass movement that that will spread the good news of Jesus and give great honor to God.