Official Ratio Christi policy on masks and other Covid-related restrictions (08/26/2020)


These are challenging times on all of our campuses, most of which are facing guidelines or restrictions that impact our ministry and ability to gather together and do ministry. We do encourage as our official policy that Ratio Christi chapters and Chapter DIrectors comply with all government and school directives regarding student organization activities such as limitations and policies on meeting together, guidelines on masks, maximum attendance, and social distancing.


We recognize that individuals may have differing and strongly held convictions regarding the effectiveness or appropriateness of regulations involving masks and social distancing. As always we encourage thoughtful engagement with such issues whatever view our people might hold. We simply ask that our chapter directors encourage their chapters to act in the best interest of all, to comply with health guidelines imposed on all student organizations. Please do continue to share news about your activities and meetings, making sure to avoid putting anything on social media that would encourage or demonstrate non-compliance.


Any questions on this policy may be directed to Larry Baxter or to our Director of Human Resources & Administration, Alicia Parente.

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