Nate Goldstein: Convinced in College

Nate Goldstein was one of the founding members of the Louisiana Tech University chapter of Ratio Christi in Ruston, La, so he has literally been with us since the beginning. Nate was instrumental in getting the chapter started his senior year at Tech and played a major role in navigating the official channels with the university and student recruitment. After graduating, Nate entered the RC intern program and has served in that capacity for the past year. He meets regularly with students for one-on-one discipleship, helping them navigate the theological as well as practical aspects of apologetics and evangelism, has led meeting and presented teaching, and takes the lead on weekly tabling on campus. Nate has been and continues to be a model for Christian leadership and exemplifies everything for which Ratio Christi stands. It has been a pleasure to mentor and serve in ministry with Nate and I can think of no one more deserving of the Legatus Christi award than him. While his departure will be a tremendous loss for our local chapter, I know that Nate will be a benefit to the Kingdom wherever the Lord places him, and we wish him well as he moves on to pursue seminary education and a call to ministry.

— Sherwon Williamson, Louisiana Tech University Chapter Director

  • When did you come to Christ as Lord and Savior, and how did that come about?
    • I grew up in the church but was never converted until college. By a set of providence, I began listening to a prosperity gospel minister during Covid! Yet, once I got to college, I quickly stopped watching and was plugged into a local church in college. I am unsure of the exact day I was converted, but needless to say, I was saved solely by an act of our gracious Lord.
  • In your high school/college church group, how much did you learn about the Christian faith and reasons to believe?
    • Not much in high school and not much up until I met Sherwon(our director). We began meeting with one another weekly about 3 years ago and he introduced me to the realm of theology, apologetics, and church history. That was when I began wanting to know more about the reasons for  faith.
  • How did you become interested in apologetics, and how did you get involved with Ratio Christi?
    • Talking with Sherwon about the fact that some people have serious intellectual problems with the faith that we need to answer. I knew some people did not believe in Christianity but it was hard to think that others genuinely believed it to be irrational. Over a year ago Sherwon let me know he was going to try and start an RC chapter at Tech and asked me if I was interested. From there the rest is (at least relatively recent) history.
  • What impact has Ratio Christi ministry had on your walk with God and your personal ministry?
    • Something a bit unexpected from another side of ministry. The practical side that doesn’t leave theory altogether but sees the daily struggles of students. It has helped me think through how to be an encouragement to students and also be gracious in certain situations on campus rather than putting forth argument. That has helped me develop a better prayer life for students and also to be well versed in parts of scripture that speak directly to the hurting.
  • What is this RC chapter like? 
    • We joke that our chapter is full of nerds.(at least somewhat joking) Our students are hungry to hear reasons for the faith. We meet for hours outside of meeting times to talk more about the faith (even past apologetics) into theology and ordinary life. We leave meetings on Thursdays, and usually, close to 6-10 people join us afterward at a local restaurant for more hangouts and discussions. Overall our chapter is very intertwined for the purpose of learning more about the faith.
  • What were some of your favorite areas of involvement with your local RC chapter?
    • I love Thursday tabling. We have a white board and we ask a question relating to our meeting that night. We meet tons of people each week and rarely have we had any “bad conversations.” Other students are not used to seeing a group ask challenging questions and are eager to jump in. That is are best time students get to practice apologetics and sharing the gospel. Following this would probably be our officer meetings each week. We go through a book and plan the week out if needed. A great time for a smaller group to get together and talk about apologetics.
  • What does the Legatus Christi award mean to you? 
    • It means a lot. It was certainly a surprise to me to receive it! I wasn’t expecting an award. Contending for the faith is what we are commanded to do in scripture, and I take a deep joy in doing that and teaching it to others. To be recognized in an award like this one gives me excitment to continue to work we have been called to.
  • How do you envision taking the apologetics you have learned through Ratio Christi into your future endeavors?
    • Long-term I don’t know. I am unsure where the Lord will have me. But one thing is certain that I will continue to try and implement apologetics into everyday life with 1: My family 2: my church 3: my community. I hope I will continue to use what I have learned to show others that there is not other faith or religion (including materialism) that gives even a remotely close account for how the world really is. To that end I am very grateful that RC has taught me that.
  • What are your short and long-term career/ministry/mission plans?
    • Seminary is next in Jackson, Mississippi, at RTS. After that I am unsure. Me and Sherwon have talked about coming back and I am not opposed when I finish.
  • Would you consider coming back to work with your RC chapter, starting one at another school, or working with RC in any other capacity?
    • Yes! I know of Brad Wheeler in Jackson so it may be that (informally) I will help him out over there. Past that I am not opposed to working with RC in the future.
  • What would you say to other students who might be considering getting involved in Ratio Christi, whether they be skeptics, seekers, or believers?
    • “Thoughtful Christianity.” There is not much of that anymore it seems. 1: for Christians to learn more 2: for unbelievers to actually be challenged in their system of belief. Either way RC is a great way to hear the essentials of what Christians believe and why! Not shallow why’s. But deeply thought-out ideas that help us grapple with the truth.

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